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一群护理专业的学生一起工作的照片, with the text "9 ways to Become a Better Student and Get Ahead in 护理" overlaid in a friendly and inviting font. 第2部分.


如果你有一张通往人生圆满的门票, 有趣且具有挑战性的职业, 你会用它做什么?

你猜怎么着! 你是你自己的票的创造者! 现在,你正在决定如何处理它. Whether you are someone who loves school and naturally excels in a classroom setting, 或者你觉得学校没什么吸引力, it is important that you treat your educational “ticket” with care, 尊重, 和勤奋. With the right attention, it just might set you up for the rest of your life.

Odds are, you do not need us to convince you how important school is. 你已经知道了,这就是你来这里的原因. For many people school can feel like a frustrating and out-of-control experience. We hear students say things like, “I’m just not good at school” or “I just don’t get this.” Do NOT fall into the trap of believing that your potential is limited in this way. 如果你对学校感到沮丧, it might be because you have not been taught the strategies and study skills to set you up for success.

这些技能非常重要, 不管你是否在学校, because many of them will play a role in your life outside of school. 最重要的是,这些技能可以代代相传. 如果你能掌握做学生的技巧, you can teach your family and children how to be great students too.

你同意了吗? 以下是ladbrokes立博中文版目前讨论内容的总结:


  1. 找一份让我满意的工作
  2. 减少与学校有关的压力
  3. 学习技能我将用一生
  4. Learn skills I can teach to my family and children, so they do not have to find school overwhelming.

*无耻插头警报! Summarizing information from dense passages is a terrific way to retain information and make reviewing your notes easier! If you forget what those two paragraphs described, no need to re-read them, read the summary!



To understand how to crack the code of learning in a classroom environment, we’ll need to develop some broad skills and some more specific ones. ladbrokes立博中文版将从了解广泛的划水技巧开始. 这些是重要技能的分类,比如

观点,时间管理和组织. 然而, ladbrokes立博中文版深入研究特定的技能是很重要的, so you understand exactly how to revolutionize your student experience. These are active learning skills like note taking, in-class habits, and reading skills.


  1. 的角度来看
    a. 找到目标
    b. 有意识地激发好奇心
    c. 拥有你的教育
  2. 组织
    a. 准备好你需要的工具:用品、书籍等.
    b. 记录你的任务
    c. 管理自我保健
  3. 时间管理
    a. 分清轻重缓急
    b. 制定时间表
    c. 是自适应

*无耻插头警报! Reading an outline ahead of reading material can help your mind to prepare to absorb material. 换句话说, 如果你的大脑知道在消化内容之前会发生什么, 它会更快更好地理解它. 如果你没有大纲,也不用担心! Get the same effect by skimming a textbook chapter or passage before fully reading it.


对于职业学生来说,组织是一项至关重要的技能. It’s like having a toolbox filled with the right tools to help you succeed. 第一个, 得到你需要的工具意味着有你的课本, 笔记本电脑, 物资准备好了, 你已经准备好上课了. Next, keeping track of your assignments is like having a map for your journey. Use a planner or digital calendar to note due dates and important tasks, so you never miss a beat. Lastly, managing self-care is like taking care of yourself so you can perform at your best. 一定要安排休息时间,保证充足的睡眠,吃得好. When you’re organized, you’ll find it easier to focus on your studies and reach your career goals.


Getting the tools you need is a crucial step in staying organized as a career student. 把它看作是为你的成功奠定基础. It means having all the necessary materials ready before you begin your schoolwork. This includes textbooks, 笔记本电脑, pens, and any other supplies required for your classes. Before you start your day, make sure your backpack is packed with everything you’ll need. 以这种方式准备的

saves you from the stress of scrambling to find things when you’re in the middle of your assignments or during class. It also helps you concentrate better on your studies because you won’t be constantly searching for missing items. So, remember to gather your tools as you dive into your educational journey.


Keeping track of your assignments is like having a roadmap to guide you through your academic journey. It means having a system in place to record all your homework, projects, and deadlines. A great way to do this is by using a planner or a digital calendar. When you receive an assignment or learn about an upcoming test, jot it down with its due date. This way, you can visually see what’s ahead and plan your time accordingly. Regularly checking your assignment list ensures that nothing slips through the cracks, helping you to complete tasks on time and reduce the stress of last-minute rushes. 这有点像自己当船长, charting a course for success by staying organized and on top of your responsibilities.


管理自我保健 is a vital part of staying organized as a career student. 就像汽车需要定期保养才能平稳运行一样, 你需要照顾好自己,以达到最佳状态. This means scheduling breaks during your study sessions, so you don’t burn out. It means getting enough sleep at night to recharge your energy for the challenges of the day. Eating nutritious meals and staying hydrated are also part of this self-care toolkit, 因为它们提供了你的身体和精神所需的燃料. 另外, 别忘了为你喜欢的活动腾出时间, 比如爱好和与爱人共度时光. 当你优先考虑自我照顾, you’re better equipped to handle the demands of your studies and maintain a healthy balance in your life. It’s like giving yourself the care and attention you need to shine brightly in all your endeavors.

你想了解更多的策略来拥有你的教育吗? 看看 10 Ways to Take Control of Your Own Studies (Even While You’re Still at School).


这是ladbrokes立博中文版暂时分道扬镳的地方. You are now armed with everything you need to improve your organization and make learning a less stressful experience. If you need some reading material in the meantime, check out the related blog 如何在护理学校取得成功 护理学院院长. 史密斯-克莱分享了她作为一名学生取得成功的秘诀.

这东西只有在你练习的时候才管用. Go! 练习一会儿,继续关注第3部分:时间管理. 与此同时, 准备好你需要的工具, 开始跟踪你的任务, 制定一个自我保健计划. ladbrokes立博中文版相信你.

